FASST will be DOE's opportunity to adapt, align, or...
FASST is an initiative within the US Department of Energy to build and deploy the world's most powerful AI systems for science and is shaping up to be the next big thing after the US Exascale Computing Project. With an eye towards an initial $12 billion budget , the program represents a bold vision of positioning the US government as the leader in AI for science. However, unlike exascale computing before it, FASST will also take the DOE into a field where industry--not government--is leading in terms of investments, scale, and innovation around HPC. Whereas the DOE used to lay the tracks for societally transformative technologies and dictate the direction and speed, it now finds itself having to jump on a train that is already moving. The direction is set, and the challenge of FASST will be to position the DOE amidst an industry that is rolling forward without waiting for government direction. Recognizing this new position, the DOE recently issued an RFI on the FASST initiative w